We, the Invincible

Apr 5, 2020

This is a time of collective personal growth

the growth of this deeply personal collective that we call


or so I hope that this Earth and we of this Earth

learn to protect it


This is a time when human connection grows

in the irony of these times in which we cannot

connect with our hands but must

with our hearts

to defeat what is invisible.

Arms cannot win this war

but rather our human strength

or else, we are not the humans

we thought ourselves to be.

And if the invisible is ourselves?

We were invincible.

We defeated the Neanderthals

overwhelming them with our social prowess;

we defeated the animals

breaking their backs and putting them in cages;

we defeated the earth, the trees, the oceans

tainting their purity with our manufacture.

We defeated God

suffocating Him with the laws of science.

And now, we must defeat ourselves

to emerge our true selves,

to break the invisible shackles

that now, finally, we feel dig in and reveal

what we are.

Originally published at http://megumismusings.wordpress.com on April 5, 2020.




MA in English Lit. Writer. Teacher. My page is a mix of poetry, essays, and book reviews. Seek and you will find.