Politicize Me

1 min readJun 24, 2022

Politicize the fuck out of my body.
It is your right to control me —
my body.

It is an instrument of law
and for making babies
whose unborn lives are gold
but whose born lives are belittled to nothing.

Politicize the fuck out of my body
and rape my mind again,
because I deserve to carry
the child of my perpetrator.

Politicize the fuck out of my body
because women don’t deserve
to have the same rights
of men who satiate their carnal

Politicize me
because I am a woman
and deserve to be
because my power is so great
you must use your place in law
to keep me down
but you do not realize
the living lives you put at risk —
lives that can think critically
about the consequences of our actions
and make conscious decisions
that are best for ourselves
and the world.

Politicize me
because I am your tool
and I am dispensable.




MA in English Lit. Writer. Teacher. My page is a mix of poetry, essays, and book reviews. Seek and you will find.